


Increasing income and quality of life for
the small business or entrepreneur.

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Increasing income and quality of life for
the small business or entrepreneur.

“The goal in life is not to tip toe cautiously to a safe death.”


Anita Hodges is a well respected professional coach to the small business entrepreneur. Though she specializes in the real estate and mortgage industry, her coaching expertise has been utilized by professionals from many other industries. Anita’s track record is impeccable. Having coached literally hundreds of entrepreneurs, many have earned national recognition in their industries as as top performers.

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Do You Need a Boss?

Do You Need a Boss?

I work with a lot of self-employed entrepreneurs who have left corporate America to pursue a career built to their liking. Many resented the constraints put upon them by the proverbial ‘man” and felt they could do much better on their own. They are often distressed to...

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Ready to take your performance to the next level?
If you know that you’re not reaching your full potential and are ready to take the step to a better, happier life where you know you are living up to your full potential, contact me now.

If you agree to abide by solid principles, if you want your business to have purpose, and if you want to improve your performance, then call Anita today to begin a transformational coaching experience.

Not only did she help me with my business but she also helped me grow as a person for the better.

“Anita is an inspiring coach. Not only did she help me with my business but she also helped me grow as a person for the better.  I’m where I’m at in my successful career and successful personal life because of her. She knows how to ask those hard questions in a delightful way to get one to really take a look at themselves and make the right changes they need to make.  I recommend Anita to anyone looking to grow professionally as well as personally.  Be prepared to do the work.”

– Kim Retzlaff, Sales Executive

IMPACT Consulting

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IMPACT Coaching